Achieving Moonshots: Incredible Results in Impossible Timeframes
Talks grouped by Session Types
Attempting to Tame the Data Beast: A BI Transition Tale
Behavior-driven development and testing
C.E.L.L Platform: Building a Next-Gen TelCo IT
Design Systems: Two Truths and a Lie
Fasten your seatbelts - Automate React Native releases with a Fastlane Command
From chaos to confidence: Building a QA powerhouse at Yodeck
Game Dev: Our story from zero to (almost) hero
How to boost your project's agility and scalability with micro frontends
Journeying through Dev Containers from Scratch
Jumpin' Jack PAM - Scaling OPAP's Online Player Account Management platform
Our Tech Platform at a glance
Productising solution architecture components to accelerate business transformation
Quick, fun and unconventional: Using Backstage as your CV
Riders on the Storm: Steering SME ERPs into the AI Frontier
Understanding the human genome: data mining in the world of DNA
Unveiling the Secrets of a Sports Betting Platform